تازههای نشر
شماره دوم مجله انگليسي مطالعات ايران و اوراسياي مركزي منتشر شد.
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Release of a new issue of the *Journal of "Iran and Central Eurasia Studies"*
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-145
1. Iran and Russia: Past Experiences and Future Prospects
Pages 1-21
Jahangir Karami
2. Armed Conflict between Georgia and Russia Case Studies of ‘Peace Process in Abkhazian-Ossetian Ethnopolitical Conflict’
Pages 23-42
Hamed Kazemzadeh
3. The Sources and Causes of Constitutional Reform in the South Caucasian Republics
Pages 43-61
Elaheh Koolaee; Peyman Kavianifar
4. Russia and the Security Council in the Case of Iran’s Nuclear Project
Pages 63-91
Yosef Molaee; Hadi Zargari
5. Look East policy: Regional Policy of of Iran Towards Countries Located in the Sphere of the Iranian Civilization
Pages 93-107
Bahareh Sazmand
6. Russia's Military Intervention in the Syrian Crisis
Pages 109-130
Mohammadreza Takhshid; Morteza Shoja
7. The Armenian Diaspora and Iran's Foreign Policy
Pages 131-145
Akbar Valizadeh; Shiva Alizadeh